
金曜日の夜は:予約必須のイタリアンに@Bruno's / Casual but Romantic Italian at Tanjong Katong

f:id:gelatoholic:20171118172624p:plainRome, Italy ( 2012 )

One of the reasons why I like europe is because the city will be never changed. I am pretty sure that even after 100 or 200 years, there is no skyscraper buildings next to Eiffel Tower in Paris, Sagrada Família in Barcelona nor Colosseum in Rome. Just we are getting old, but city always welcome you as same as first time there. This is the statute of limitations after we 5 years passed, I clearly remember the night in Rome. Night walk in Rome was unforgettable romantic. Last Friday, I went to Italian restaurant at Tanjong Katong called Bruno's Pizzeria & Grill . Casual Italian but all dishes are totally authentic, now no wondering why always full packed. So please make a reservation in advance (especially if it is for dating night.) When I was there, I can't help myself from remembering the time in Rome. Rome and the memory are everlatingly beautiful.

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金曜日の夜はずーっと気になっていたお店へ。イーストのBruno's Pizzeria & Grill f:id:gelatoholic:20171118171645p:plain

f:id:gelatoholic:20171118171728p:plainInsalata di Rucola (Rocket Salad with Parmegiano)

パルメジャーノとトマト、ナッツが入ったサラダ。味付けは塩とオリーブオイルだけだけど、これがとっても美味しくて独り占めしたいくらいだった。 f:id:gelatoholic:20171118171712p:plainRavioli Ai Funghi Prcini Crema



f:id:gelatoholic:20171118171721p:plainLinguine Al Granchio Crema








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